Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Stop Being Mean on the Internet (an Infographic on Cyberbullying)

Hello everyone! How are you doing today?

This post will be about the infographic I prepared. My topic is “Cyberbullying”. One of the reasons I chose this as my topic is that I see a lot of examples around me and I hate when people are  being mean on the internet just because they can. I wanted to inform people about this. Another reason was that I was curious and wanted to learn. The research part was very interesting and I learned a lot of things.

I used Canva in the process. It wasn’t that difficult to use Canva to make an infographic but there were so many templates and I am an indecisive person unfortunately. The preparation process took me a while because I didn’t know where to put some things. In addition, I couldn’t decide which information to include in it. However, after deciding on those things, it was quite easy to change the template according to my preferences. It was really fun as well.

I learned a lot about infographics and now I think that we should use them more in our classrooms. Since they present the information in a more engaging way, the students might be interested in them. Instead of choosing to present information traditionally, we can choose to use infographics because they can hold more information and be still organized. You can include more things in it than a regular a4 paper and it still wouldn’t be too crowded.

That was all. Thank you for reading and don’t forget to take care of yourself!

Click here to see the infographic!

I will add a picture of it below as well.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

21st Century Learning

Hello again!

In this post, I will talk about 21st century learning. I hope you enjoy it!

We are in the 21st century, this means we have to keep up with the teaching methods in this era. 21st Century Learning expects teachers to use technology in the classroom. Teachers should get help from technology in order to teach more effectively. In addition, they should teach 21st century skills as well. In Kereluik et al. (2013) framework, there are three knowledge categories named foundational, humanistic and meta that teachers should be aware of. By knowing them, the teachers can integrate them into their teaching since these skills have a great significance in learning.

The integration of technology in language learning is significant because it offers many options to the teachers and the students. The traditional way of teaching; however, does not contribute much to the learner. We are now living in a technology-based era. That means we have to use technology in our daily lives to survive. Why not use that technology in our classroom? Especially in learning language, the technological tools can help teachers a lot. Teachers can make their students listen the native speakers of the language, use educational videos, and benefit from many other sources. There are so many opportunities for them!

To sum up all the things I have mentioned above, I think as teachers, we should be open-minded about technology. We should find ways to use it in our classroom. We can make a huge difference with how we teach!

Thank you for reading. See you next time!


Welcome Everyone!

How are you all doing? I am a bit tired because of the school but I am trying to be positive about it. This will be my first post. I wanted to welcome you and give a brief explanation about the things that I will mention in my blog. I will gather my assignments for the class Instructional Technologies and Material Design here and share them with you. We will be learning new things together! I am very excited to share my upcoming experiences with all of you. I hope you can enjoy reading them!

Until the next time, take care! 🌼

Here's a cute gif to motivate you...


  Hello everyone! How are you doing? It is the end of the semester and I can’t believe we made it this far. Unfortunately, this will be my f...